Why Choose Us?
Our project is in a position to offer benefits and advantages for everyone. Our customers benefit from a high quality clean at a highly competitive price.
Our objective is positive change not profit. Our customer base is predominantly returning customers, who are extremely satisfied by our quality work at reasonable prices.
Awarding contracts to Clean & Care is an ideal way of demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to Social Value and corporate responsibility.
For Local Authorities and Health organisations partnering with us can offer solutions to localissues of social exclusion and unemployment. Please see the section of Public sector procurement for more details.
Our commitment to our work crew is fundamental to the project’s success. The project exists tooffer people paid work and training opportunities. We have successfully supported many ofpeople who faced a range of health and social issues into meaningful employment. Evaluations of the project have demonstrated that working with us has led to increases in confidence, work skills, wellbeing and employment outcomes.
In return our project benefits from a committed team that offer reliability, hard work and dedication.
Reflecting on their work, team members tell us: