The current economic climates means public sector organisations are looking to deliver financially efficient services.
Many Local Authorities also want to increase and improve employment opportunities for their local residents. Alongside these individual choices and priorities, the Social Value Act requires public bodies, including councils, to consider choosing providers based on the social valuecreated in an area and not on cost alone.

Our work with Lambeth – a five year contract to clean library carpets has been cited by NEF (New Economic Foundation) Consulting as an innovative and successful project that demonstrates:
More local people get access to paid work and training opportunities, which leads to increases in confidence, work skills, wellbeing and employment outcomes
- Local enterprises cover their running costs and generate surplus to re-invest
Public sector organisations and the wider organisations get a high quality servicewhilst demonstrating high social value.
For more information about procurement please contact:
Mark Bertram
020 3228 6813